- The ASEAN Economic Community of 2016 will open opportunities for professionals in the fields of engineering. With the intercultural nature of the new 10-nation community, professionals in these fields should be able to discuss their areas of expertise and communicate clearly in English.
- As with engineers, those professionals in the world of design should also be able to identify the key elements of their work and talk about them in English when working in the AEC in 2016.
- Mechanical engineering is another wide field with many areas of expertise. The AEC of 2016 will offer many opportunities to those who can share their ideas and knowledge in English.
- The various professions in engineering and design each have their own volumes of specialist vocabulary. People working in both fields will need to know some of this vocabulary and various phrases that are often used.
After studying this module, the students should be able to
- identify and describe some basic structural engineering processes, features and methods.
- identify and discuss various architectural features and designs.
- identify and discuss various fashion design methods and processes.
- identify and discuss landscape architecture and design.
- identify and describe features of a mechanical engineer’s knowledge.
- use the English phrases and vocabulary associated with their areas of expertise.