Read the following text and answer the questions. (Reading Text here!)
Paragraphs | Answer |
Paragraph 1 |
Paragraph 2 | |
Paragraph 3 | |
Paragraph 4 | |
Paragraph 5 | |
Paragraph 6 | |
Paragraph 7 | |
Paragraph 8 | |
Paragraph 9 | |
Paragraph 10 | |
Paragraph 11 |
(P 1) Nursing systems in Asia are trying to keep up with the economic changes.
(P 2) Nursing and medical sectors have made long moves since the 19th century.
(P 3) The result of the collaboration of four leading Thai universities in Thailand.
(P 4) The detail of the mandatory for schools of nursing.
(P 5) Practicing law of nursing practice
(P 6) The impact of the trend of changes in economic and political sectors.
(P 7) Nurses need more theories and research.
(P 8) Nursing workforce and shortage
(P 9) Collaboration with training situation in progressive system of nursing education
(P 10) Development of scientific research
(P 11) The future of nursing practice in Thailand is based on evidence and critical thinking.