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Aspects of the nursing education system in Thailand(Nursing) – nursing and nursing education system in Thailand: Past, Present and Future (P 1) Today, nursing education systems in Asia are making strides to catch up with the economic changes in the society throughout the region and around the world. Thailand has achieved progress in the health care system that typically increase access to health services for the people, reduce maternal mortality and infant, and Thai Thailand is the destination of travel services for the health of customers from European countries, America, Japan and Middle East countries. (P 2) Nursing and medical sector has made strides since the late nineteenth century. School of Nursing was first established in 1896, by 1950 the Thai Ministry of Public Health was established under the Nursing agency. Training Program 4 year nursing degree was first introduced in 1956, and 1971 was the first nursing faculty affiliated universities. Since 1973 a mandatory requirement for students who want to enroll in nursing must have a grade 12 diploma, this change stems from the nursing graduates from the West, especially from the U.S.. (P 3) Also in 1973, master’s nursing program was started 2 years, and until 1984 had the Thai curriculum Dr. nursing, this is the result of the collaboration of four leading Thai universities in Thailand at the time. Then the Royal Thai government has supported joint training with foreign nursing schools, this program was launched in 1999, at the Department of Nursing Chiang Mai University. (P 4) Today, it is mandatory that schools of nursing must have 4-8 doctorates in nursing. As of 2006, all nursing schools have 259 doctors (8%), 2333 Masters (74%) and 552 persons with a university degree nursing (18%) and more than 3000 nursing process degrees are working in hospitals and research institutes involved teaching. (P 5) To enhance the quality of nursing practice, practicing law was enacted in 1997, to 1998 Nursing Council of Thailand (HDDD) organized the first national examination for certification practice, and 5 years on all registered nurses to practice their certificates. To ensure the quality of education in the field of nursing, schools must register with HDDD Thai and inspection, testing will proceed within 1-5 years. The Council will be responsible for checking the curriculum, the quality of science education, teaching / learning, research and publications issued, the services of the school community, the basic infrastructure, financial resources, graduation records, as well as the quality assurance system training. (P 6) Today, the trend of changes in economic and political sectors are much impact as customers Nurses use of health services, medical technology, pricing, clinical care, care management , health policy and human resources. Additionally Thailand is in the process of restructuring the health care system focused on the fairness, quality and efficiency, with a particular focus on access to health services and health care quality. This requires the nurse educators are responsible for training human resources to meet the change. It is clear that things are changing rapidly and the system in the field of economy, society and environment in Thailand. These mandatory nursing education systems must change and continuous improvement to enhance the position to meet patient care needs, keep up with advances in medicine and pharmacy. (P 7) An improvement in nursing education system that is more and more teachers are studying at the doctoral level as well as professional nursing practice (Advanced Practice Nurses – APNs) in areas such as primary care , clinical practice, education and management. Nurses need much more theories, research, as well as the ability to care practices to improve health services for the community. Besides, there should be more research and development of nursing theory and its popularity from the doctoral degree and postdoctoral. (P 8) The school continues to improve for the nursing clinical practice and the community is very important because the change is global, advances in science and technology, new disease patterns. Nursing Workforce will face a shortage of manpower in the future by the aging population. Besides future industry should also be prepared to face the situation management, good leadership, skill will switch positions across organizations, from government to the private sector. In addition, there will be collaboration and integration of individuals and organizations in the healthcare system. The relationship between professional organizations in the health system, such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists need to be restructured. (P 9) A more progressive system of education that nurses achieve that Thailand is a collaboration between training institutions, but not within the country but also to reach out to the continent as a reliable partner. The vision and the support of the government will help the teachers and students to achieve these efforts. The partnership program is designed flexibility, quality, constantly updated to ensure the practical application to teaching. A typical example is the development cooperation program to improve nursing education (the Nursing Program of Higher Education Development – POHNED). The partners of this program is the University of Chiang Mai and 8 universities in China such as Beijing Medical University, China Medical University, Medical University of Hunan, Shanghai Medical University, … This program is funded by the China Medical Board with the objective of Thailand Nayla program will help train the skilled nursing Masters for the university said. The students from China will be a learning period in China, then moved to Chiang Mai, Thailand to continue learning. When this program ended in 2001, there were 84 students graduated, now this force is undertaking many important tasks in the field of education as well as clinical. (P 10) Furthermore, the development of scientific research is vital to provide teaching methods based on evidence, develop critical thinking, as well as teaching strategies / learning to suit the current development this. Method of problem solving, critical thinking methods have been applied to educational programs help students process their application in nursing. The results from clinical studies have been covered in the lectures, to help students understand the importance of nursing research, as well as the value of evidence-based practice. E-learning, Problem-based learning and self-learning methods are increasingly being encouraged. In addition to nursing ethics are also included in the process of teaching / learning. (P 11) In short, the future of nursing practice in Thailand will be based on evidence and critical thinking. In addition to enhancing scientific research to meet these new challenges, and the training program will be analyzed and revised in each period to match the practical requirements. This includes analysis and revision of the undergraduate curriculum and graduate. One more important thing is the development of parallel training Dr. nursing practice and professional nursing (APNs) will help improve the quality standards of care and education. Need to encourage more collaboration between schools to overcome barriers of culture, education and sharing the benefits and knowledge between regions. The leaders and nursing education in Thailand must change to overcome the challenges of the future and preparing to meet the care needs of the nursing service of the Thai people. Source: Translated from the post of Professor Wipada Kunaviktikul |