You must have an offer of employment with a healthcare institution in Singapore before SNB can consider your application for registration/enrolment.
i) SNB does NOT work with employment agents.
ii) Agents are to work directly with the healthcare institutions’ human resource department.
To apply for registration/enrolment, you must show evidence that you have completed a nursing programme, which is equivalent (as assessed by SNB) to an accredited pre-registration/pre-enrolment nursing programme in Singapore.
You must have nursing/midwifery registration from the country where you are trained as well as a current license to practice as a nurse or midwife.
Documents required for Registration/Enrolment
Hard copy “Application for Admission to the Register or Roll” forms to be duly signed and completed by you. This form will be available from the hospital/institution offering you employment.
Passport photograph must be attached to the application form.
Certified true copy of original documents, to be submitted in support of your application are:
- Passport
- Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
- Transcript of nursing education from training school/college/university (to include detailed breakdown of theory and clinical practice in hours or weeks)
- Training certificate(s)
- Registration certificate
- Current nursing license
- References from previous employer(s) to state the period of work, area of practice and nursing competency.
i) Documents that are not in English must be accompanied by an accurate translation in English and certified by Justice of Peace, Notary Public, Commissioner of Oath from their country of origin.
ii) Documents certified as "true copies"
- Must be initialled on every page of the document by the authorized officer (Justice of Peace, Notary Public, Commissioner of Oath, your employer or your supervisor, unless otherwise stated)
- Must include the name of authorized officer (full name), signature, date of certification and healthcare institution stamp
iii) Photocopies of previously certified documents will not be accepted.
iv) Certified true copies will only be accepted in hard copy by mail or in person (Fax or Email will not be accepted).
v) Copies which are not acceptable to SNB will delay your application.
Foreign trained Nurses / Midwives who wish to work in Singapore must be registered/enrolled with SNB.
The following SNB Fees are applicable:
a) Application for Registration/Enrolment Fee
b) Registration/Enrolment Fee
c) Application for Practising Certificate Fee
Verification of Registration
The following verification of registration is required to verify that you are registered as a nurse/midwife and that no disciplinary proceedings have been taken or are pending against you:
- from the nursing registration authority in the country of your first registration, as well as
- from the nursing registration authority in each country that you had practised nursing/midwifery (if applicable)
You are required to make the request with each nursing regulatory authority and the verification must be sent directly to SNB Operating Office, addressed to Registrar, Singapore Nursing Board.
Verification of Transcripts of Nursing Education
Verification of transcripts of nursing education is required to provide evidence that you have acquired the nursing/midwifery education that you have listed on your Application Form.
Transcripts Must include detailed breakdown for theory and clinical practice in hours or weeks.
You are required to make the request with the educational/training institution(s) and the transcripts must be sent directly to SNB Operating Office, addressed to Registrar, Singapore Nursing Board.
Outcome of Application
You may be:
- required to sit for an examination; and/or
- undergo a competency assessment; and/or
- placed on provisional registration/enrolment; and/or
- allowed to practice with conditions imposed as deemed appropriate by SNB
The SNB will inform you through the employing healthcare institution of the outcome of your application after we have made our assessment.
Last Updated : 22 May 2013 10:50