Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) consists of various educational activities that maintain and develop the knowledge, skills and professional practice of nurses / midwives.
Nurses / Midwives need to maintain their competencies through continuing nursing education in order to provide safe patient care and to keep pace with advances and innovations in healthcare.
In our system, the Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) unit will be renamed as Continuing Professional Education (CPE) points.
1 CNE unit = 1 CPE point
SNB has established standard criteria to help nurses/midwives obtain CPE points on their CPE Events. |

A CPE point is a unit of credit recognising nurses’ and midwives’ participation in nursing specific education programs. The events undertaken by the nurses must be directly relevant to the nurse or midwife’s context of practice and appropriate to their scope of practice with the aim to maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge, skills and competence. It includes attendances at in-services, lectures, seminars, conferences and workshops, enrolment of courses, doing self-study and participation in or facilitation of research events including publication, oral and poster presentation.
CPE points are accumulated on a yearly basis, from 01 September of the current year to 31 August of the following year to coincide with the renewal of practising certificates. This period is called the Qualifying Period (QP). |