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MYANMAR: Nurse Moe Moe, Myanmar: "I want to do my bit"
The makeshift health clinic where Moe Moe now works and sleeps |
"It's been two years that I have been working here and I like my job. I want to do my bit. It gives me a purpose and the villagers value my efforts. At the moment, I'm living in the clinic as there is nowhere else for me to live. One day, I hope to further my nursing qualifications by taking more courses, but that will have to wait. There is too much to do.
"Even now, I find myself spending my own money to buy medicine for those patients who cannot afford it, as well as ice to keep the medicine cabinet cool. I never ask the patients to pay for the ice. I know they don't have it.
"Hopefully, we can one day rebuild this clinic - and build back stronger. As you see, it's rather makeshift here now - put together with nothing more than plastic sheeting and hard cloth. When it rains, the roof leaks and water passes through the walls. Sometimes even the medicine I keep in the cupboard gets wet and I worry it could become spoiled.
"Right now, the most urgent need in this area is access to clean water. It's vital. Traditionally, people get their drinking water from area ponds and lakes which were inundated by the flood waters and now pose a health risk to residents.
"The second most urgent need, however, is tools for people to restart their livelihoods, most of whom are involved in either agriculture or fishing. If you don't have tools, you can't work. And if you can't work, you can't buy the food you need to stay healthy, leaving you vulnerable to disease and other forms of infection."