Module 8: Healthcare in the ASEAN Community    


Activity 1

Read the title or topic of the following piece of information (news article).

  1. Before you read for further details do the following:
Pre-reading Click Answer Key

Think of main idea questions

Sum up the main idea of this news article

Detailed questions   Click Answer Key

1. Who gave consent to this new scheme?

2. What is now being discussed and promoted?

3. What does the nursing profession contribute to?

4. When did the new scheme come into effect?

5. Where was the special talk on the nursing profession?

6. Why would the new scheme be useful, according to the minister?

7. How much is the salary for the position of ‘nurse practitioners’ as anticipated in the text?

8. How much was the salary for the comparable position of ‘nurse practitioners’ in the past?


Highlight the answers in the text.

  1. Read for more details.
  2. Highlight the vocabulary you don’t fully understand (purple), study them in the dictionary and make a note or a collection of the vocabulary concerning NURSING.
  3. Group your vocabulary for better understanding and more efficient reference later.
  4. Give the meaning of the referents highlighted in blue.

READING TEXT 1: New salary scale for Brunei's nurses (.doc)

Pronoun referent Click Answer Key

which (line )

refers to

this (line )

refers to

who (line )

refers to

which (line )

refers to

those (line )