Module 3: Working with Foreign Colleagues


Activity 4

You are going to hear a conversation.
Before you listen, study the following:




Here are some key words to help you with your comprehension:

walk all over someone = treat in an inconsiderate or exploitative manner
one of the gang = a regular friend or part of the team
leniency n. = not punishing hard, using tolerance
absenteeism n. = regularly staying away from work without good reason
tardiness n. = tendency for lateness, slow in action
deteriorate v. = become progressively worse
bolster v. = support or strengthen
engender v. = lead or give rise to
hold accountable v. = require someone to justify their actions or decisions


Now listen to the dialog and then answer the questions according to what is said.

1. What happens when a supervisor does not control a department?

a. Production schedules will not be set.
b. Production schedules will not be met.
c. Production schedules will not be given.

2. How has the easy-going attitude of the supervisor affected the employees?

a. Absenteeism and tardiness has increased, and attitudes have deteriorated.
b. Attitudes and tardiness have increased and absenteeism has deteriorated.
c. Attitudes and absenteeism have increased and tardiness has deteriorated.

3. The reason for the supervisor letting things get worse is _______________________.

a. tardiness has increased
b. the boss has found out
c. insecurity in his own ability

4. Why does an insecure person demand approval?

a. To please the boss
b. To bolster their ego
c. To be one of the gang

5. What will happen when the boss finds that the department is falling behind?

a. The supervisor will be held accountable.
b. The employees will be held accountable.
c. The boss will be held accountable.

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