- ASEAN has become a key growth center of the agri-food industry. There are seven types of food business found in ASEAN.
- Under the cooperation of the ASEAN Food and Beverage Alliance (AFBA), laws, policies, and regulations will be harmonized across ASEAN member countries to facilitate food security, food handling and food safety cooperation.
- ASEAN has identified harmonization of food labeling including claims, date of minimum durability, expiry date, food, food additives, ingredients, label, labeling names of food, nutrition labeling and packaging.
- To comprehend specific information, including essential words for the food service industry and requirements, covering situations in the food business sector is necessary. Knowledge of suffixes, noun phrases, idioms and explaining graphs and charts will also be useful.
After studying this module, students will be able to
- identify types of ASEAN food businesses.
- explain ASEAN cooperation in food businesses.
- use the suffixes -er, -or.
- use present and past passive voice.
- use noun phrases.
- describe graphs and charts.
- use food idioms in given situations.