Module 7: The ASEAN World of Medicine


Resource 1
Standards of English for Doctors / Dentists

STANDARD 1: Understanding and interpreting spoken and written language on a work topic

1.1 Using listening skills at an intermediate level
1.2 Using reading skills at an advanced level

Benchmark Indicators:

  1. Understand verbal details of social and cultural including styles of greetings, leave-taking, and introductions
  2. Identify patients' expressions used to attract attention; request assistance; appeal for repetition and clarification; and express complaints
  3. Understand and follow instructions, requests, and suggestions in a work situation
  4. Understand specific details and inferred meaning in work-related dialogues, discussions, oral reports, presentations and meetings
  5. Follow formal advice, instructions, directions, recommendations and warnings on work-related processes and procedures
  6. Understand phone or voice-mail messages on familiar topics related to work
  7. Identify attitudes, emotions and intentions of patients and colleagues
  8. Understand different accents

Benchmark Indicators:

  1. Understand factual details and inferred meaning in complex notes, e-mail messages, letters
  2. Understand specific details in complex medical texts
  3. Locate and integrate information from several pieces of information from complex technical and non-technical texts
  4. Understand complex tables, graphs, diagrams and flow charts
  5. Understand written instructions, manuals and medical forms

STANDARD 2: Using spoken and written English to participate in work interaction

2.1 Using spoken English at an advanced level
2.2 Using written English at an advanced level

Benchmark Indicators:

  1. Use and respond to verbal details of social exchanges in informal and formal situations
  2. Ask and respond to patients or colleagues' questions, requests, opinions, compliments, and complaints related to work topics
  3. Give patients directions, instructions, suggestions, compliments, apologies, and warnings
  4. Describe, explain, and provide detailed complex medical information to patients and colleagues
  5. Use appropriate expressions to attract attention, offer comfort and assistance, deal with problems and emergency situations
  6. Participate in informal or formal conversations or discussions with patients and colleagues
  7. Carry on a phone conversation with patients or colleagues on health-related topics
  8. Give demonstrations, briefings, reports, presentations on work-related topics
  9. Speak fluently with clear pronunciation

Benchmark Indicators:

  1. Write complex notes, messages, e-mail, reminders on work-related topics
  2. Write detailed information and entries on patient care in card files
  3. Fill out complex forms and documents on work-related matters, e.g. order forms, transfer, etc.
  4. Record /write detailed reports on daily and weekly work routines
  5. Take notes on information related to work from phone and face-to-face conversation
  6. Summarize key information from complex texts
  7. Write technical papers for presentation


Using an appropriate language variety and register according to audience, purpose, setting, and culture
Advanced Benchmark Indicators:
(1) Use appropriate language register to interact with patients and colleagues
(2) Respond appropriately to compliments, complaints, criticism, conflicts, etc.
(3) Use polite language to interact with patients, especially for comforting, sympathy, condolences, and in emergency situations
(4) Use and respond to expressions of respect, friendliness, and support
(5) Respond to and use humor appropriately

Understanding and using nonverbal communication appropriate to audience, purpose, setting, and culture
Advanced Benchmark Indicators:
(1) Understand different body language expressions in different cultures
(2) Recognize attitudes and emotions of patients from their non-verbal gestures
(3) Interact with patients using gesture, facial and body language appropriate to patients' cultures, e.g. appropriate space, eye contact, smiling, laughing, silence


Resource 2

Medical associations are a vital part of the medical profession around the world. They help to standardize medical practices, and give support to members.

Here is a useful resource which has links to the medical associations of all the ASEAN member countries.


The preparatory meeting of the medical associations of the member states of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) was held in Jakarta, Indonesia, from 29 February to 1 March 1980 to consider the establishment of the Medical Association of South East Asian Nations (MASEAN). This was held in response to the recognition of the importance of mutual cooperation and collective effort among the national medical associations in attaining the highest possible level of healthcare for people in the region and in upholding the image and dignity of the medical profession.

Delegates from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand met to study the feasibility of establishing a cooperative association in order to pool talents and resources, to formulate programmes for studies and research as well as to improve the services in healthcare delivery to the people of our nations. It was envisaged that the framework of the proposed organisation would allow for the exchanges of views, information and resources for projects and programmes. The preparatory meeting culminated in the formation of MASEAN, which was inaugurated on 10 April 1980 in Penang, Malaysia.

(Source: retrieved 27/5/2014)


Resource 3

Video links
Videos of people visiting the doctor can be found on the following links:
All retrieved 3/7/2014


Resource 4

The module gave brief descriptions of a few ailments or medical conditions. One can quickly deduce that the medical world is full of specialists who have all become skilled and knowledgeable in their chosen fields. This also extends to the ‘background boys’: those analysts, chemists, technicians and laboratory assistants who conduct all the experiments necessary to develop the knowledge and understanding.

Here are some specialist job titles and their areas of their expertise:

  • Allergist or Immunologist - conducts the diagnosis and treatment of allergic conditions.
  • Anesthesiologist - treats chronic pain syndromes; administers anesthesia and monitors the patient during surgery.
  • Cardiologist - treats heart disease
  • Dermatologist -treats skin diseases, including some skin cancers
  • Gastroenterologist - treats stomach disorders
  • Hematologist/Oncologist - treats diseases of the blood and blood-forming tissues (oncology including cancer and other tumors)
  • Internal Medicine Physician - treats diseases and disorders of internal structures of the body.
  • Nephrologist - treats kidney diseases.
  • Neurologist - treats diseases and disorders of the nervous system.
  • Neurosurgeon - conducts surgery of the nervous system.
  • Obstetrician - treats women during pregnancy and childbirth
  • Gynecologist - treats diseases of the female reproductive system and genital tract.
  • Occupational Medicine Physician - diagnoses and treats work-related disease or injury.
  • Ophthalmologist - treats eye defects, injuries, and diseases.
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon - surgically treats diseases, injuries, and defects of the hard and soft tissues of the face, mouth, and jaws.
  • Orthopaedic Surgeon - preserves and restores the function of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Otolaryngologist (Head and Neck Surgeon) - treats diseases of the ear, nose, and throat, and some diseases of the head and neck, including facial plastic surgery.
  • Pathologist - diagnoses and treats the study of the changes in body tissues and organs which cause or are caused by disease
  • Pediatrician - treats infants, toddlers, children and teenagers.
  • Plastic Surgeon - restores, reconstructs, corrects or improves in the shape and appearance of damaged body structures, especially the face.
  • Podiatrist - provides medical and surgical treatment of the foot.
  • Psychiatrist - treats patients with mental and emotional disorders.
  • Pulmonary Medicine Physician - diagnoses and treats lung disorders.
  • Radiation Onconlogist - diagnoses and treats disorders with the use of diagnostic imaging, including X-rays, sound waves, radioactive substances, and magnetic fields.
  • Diagnostic Radiologist - diagnoses and medically treats diseases and disorders of internal structures of the body.
  • Rheumatologist - treats rheumatic diseases, or conditions characterized by inflammation, soreness and stiffness of muscles, and pain in joints and associated structures
  • Urologist - diagnoses and treats the male and female urinary tract and the male reproductive system
(Source: retrieved 18/03/2014)