Module 7: The ASEAN World of Medicine

Concept Mapping



  1. The ASEAN Economic Community of 2016 will open opportunities for professionals in the medical professions to further their careers in a different ASEAN country. This will mean that doctors, nurses, pharmacists, surgeons, and many other specialists may seek employment abroad. While the world of medicine does have Latin as a basic common tongue, the language of communication on a day-to-day basis will be English, and all professionals will need to identify the parts of the human body.

  2. As the heart is the essential organ of every human being, identifying its parts and functions and talking about them in English will be an essential ability for most medical professionals working in the AEC in 2016.

  3. The world of medicine can involve hundreds of diseases, illnesses, and ailments. Medical professionals in the AEC will need to be able to identify and discuss some of these in English from 2015.

  4. Specialist vocabulary in the medical professions is an immense volume. People working in the various fields of medicine will need to know some of this vocabulary and various phrases that are often used.



After studying this module, the students should be able to

  1. identify and describe some of the basic parts that make up the human body.

  2. identify and describe some of the vital organs in the human body and some problems that can occur.

  3. describe some of the common ailments that humans can suffer from and possible treatments for them.

  4. identify medical specialists and their areas of expertise.

  5. communicate with medical professionals on some medical problems.