Module 7: The ASEAN World of Medicine

Language Focus

Language Focus 1: Pronunciation 1

Integumentary system vocabulary

Specialist vocabulary can sometimes present challenges when it comes to correct pronunciation. If a word is not pronounced correctly, communication and understanding can break down. This can be especially important when there is a medical emergency. The correctness may be to do with the sound of the word or phrase, but it could also be connected to the stress.


The word ‘skeleton’ has 3 syllables: ske-le-ton. When pronouncing this word the stress can be put on any (or all) of the syllables, but usually only one stress pattern is correct when it comes to natural  understanding by native speakers of English.
Listen to the alternatives:

Audio ClipWhich one sounds correct?

Click Answer Key

In dictionaries and language tuition books the stress of a word is often indicated by an inverted comma in front of the stressed syllable: skeleton

Listen to the vocabulary (studied in 7.1) and practice the pronunciation by repeating the words. Try to make note of where the stress occurs in the words.

Audio Clip AAudio Clip A

Audio Clip BAudio Clip B

Audio Clip CAudio Clip C