Module 3: Working with Foreign Colleagues

Language Focus

Language Focus 3: Useful vocabulary and phrases

Audio ClipHere are some sentences from the dialog:



Can I help you?
Is he expecting you?
Can I offer you some refreshment?
These can be adapted to use in many workplace conversations when meeting and greeting:
How can I help you?
Is there anything I can help you with?
Do you have an appointment?
Can I get you something to drink?
Please take a seat …, (name)
I’ll try to reach … (name)
Is there anything else I can help with?
It’s about _____ kilometers from here, _____ minutes by taxi.
I could book one for you if you wish.
Yes, I’ll do that straight away.
Let me show you to _____.
You’re welcome.


refreshment n. = usually some kind of drink (tea, coffee, soft drink, water)
Say for about 12:30? = phrase to give an approximate or suggested time
And yourself? = How about you?
Couldn’t be better. = very well indeed


Do you ever receive or welcome visitors using English?
What problems do/have you have/had?
Is there anything in the dialog that you have, or would have done differently?
If you were the visitor, would you have been happy?
Do you have any suggestions or questions about other possible phrases to use?