Click Answer Key A
Sales clerk: Can I help you, sir?
Shopper: Yes, please. I’m looking for a shirt.
Sales clerk: Any particular color or material?
Shopper: Not really, but I’d like cotton if possible.
Sales clerk: How about this one?
Shopper: I like the pattern, but don’t particularly care for the colour. Do you have it in other colors?
Sales clerk: Well, they come in white, pale blue, red, and green. Would a white one do?
Shopper: Yes. I prefer white—and may I see the pale blue one, too?
Sales clerk: Why, of course. Let’s see... white... pale blue. Here you are, sir.
Shopper: How much are they?
Sales clerk: They’re both the same price, sir; 850 baht.
Shopper: Do you take credit cards?
Sales clerk: Yes, we do, sir.
Shopper: Then I’ll take them both. Here’s my card.
Sales clerk: Thank you, sir. If you’ll just wait a moment I’ll process the sale and wrap the shirts.
Shopper: Thank you.
Click Answer Key B
Assistant: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?
Customer: Good morning. I’m interested in getting my house sprayed for pests.
Assistant: I see. Do you live locally?
Customer: Yes, I live just down the road on the Millbank housing development.
Assistant: Oh yes, I know it. We have several customers there.
Customer: Yes, it was my neighbor who recommended you.
Assistant: What kind of problems do you have, sir?
Customer: Well, there are the inevitable cockroaches and ants, but I’m worried about termites.
Assistant: Well our standard service will protect you from all of those pests.
Customer: That’s what I understood. How soon could you come to look at the house?
Assistant: I think I could safely say that we are familiar with most of the property types on the Millbank development, sir. I’d recommend a visit and treatment.
Customer: Oh yes, I’d not thought about that. Well what would it cost?
Assistant: Would you want the standard yearly contract, or a one-off visit?
Customer: The yearly contract would be better I think.
Assistant: That’s 5,000 baht per year, sir.
Customer: Alright. How soon can you come?