Module 5: Developing Self-knowledge of ASEAN


Activity 4

Listen to the following video clips and answer the wh-questions.

Video clip: Reported by KarishmaVaswani of BBC from Bali, Indonesia.

Will Burma become ASEAN chair?

(Source: retrieved 7/2/2014)

Ask questions before you listen.


Click Answer Key

1. What is the topic of the news piece?

2. What is the new brand of TV show for ASEAN?

(Source: retrieved 15/3/2014)

3. What is one purpose of ASEAN, as reported?

4. What is the opinion of Timothy Marbun, an Indonesian, about a single currency?

5. What is the opinion of Ann Lee, a Malaysian?

6. When did ASEAN start, and with how many countries?

7. In the report (2011) how was Burma considered?
8. What was the opinion of the ASEAN Secretary General at that time?
9. What was the issue at that time?


Make a note of the content words, (nouns and verbs), which can give you the gist of the topic.

  • Single currency     
  • case distinction between ASEAN and Asian     
  • conclusive and autocratic state  
  • positive, genuine and concrete changes

Notice the accent of the reporter and his/her sentence stress. Try to practice it.