Module 5: Developing Self-knowledge of ASEAN


Activity 2

Listen to the following video clip and summarize the gist of the speech.

Keynote Speech by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN People's Forum (Jakarta, Indonesia – May 3-5, 2011)




retrieved 8/2/2014)





The gist of the speech concerning ASEAN

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Comprehension questions



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1. What is the name of the conference? 

2. When was this conference?

3. Where did this conference take place?

4. What did the Burmese people want in Aung San’s opinion?

5. Why did the people who started the movement want a democratic government, in Aung San’s opinion?

6. What does Aung san hope?


C Useful vocabulary

List all useful vocabulary for further study

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