Module 14: The ASEAN World of Education

Concept Mapping

Module 14 The ASEAN World of Education

  • Content – English teachers’ qualification for ASEAN and English study tips
  • Language skill – managing a classroom by using techniques and verbal communication
  • Language function – how to address a teacher in each country

SECTION 14.1 Education in ASEAN nations Language Focus SECTION 14.2 Classroom management in



  1. English language teachers in Southeast Asia have to properly prepare for the reality of the changes proposed for the ASEAN community in 2015. Many countries have their own ways to adjust their education to suit the ASEAN Economic Community and prepare their people to be able to compete with others.
  2. Going through the ASEAN community, teachers must have new various approaches to manage the classroom. It could also lead to changes in the syllabus, hiring of trained teachers or other variables to solve problems and issues.


After studying this module, students will be able to

  1. explain the changes of education in the ten countries in ASEAN.
  2. explain how to manage a classroom by using techniques and verbal communication.
  3. explain and use formal titles to address a teacher in each nation around the world.