Module 14: The ASEAN World of Education


Activity 5

Read the teacher profiles.


Which is the worst teacher in your opinion? Think of some reasons.

  1. Ms. Staple places few demands or controls on the students. "Do your own thing." describes this classroom. This teacher accepts the student's impulses and actions, and is less likely to monitor their behavior.

  2. Mr. Jones uses a style to not hurt the student's feelings, and has difficulty saying no to a student or enforcing rules. If a student disrupts the class, Mr. Jones may assume that he is not giving that student enough attention. When a student interrupts a lecture, Mr. Jones accepts the interruption with the belief that the student must surely have something valuable to add. When he does offer discipline, it is likely to be inconsistent.

  3. Mr. Davidson is very involved with his students, and cares for them very much. He is more concerned with the students' emotional well-being than he is with classroom control. He sometimes bases classroom decisions on his students’ feelings rather than on their academic concerns. So, if students want to do things in class he ignores, or if students won’t submit their homework it is okay for him.

  4. Ms. Marwell wants to be the students' friend. She may even encourage the students in class with good compliments and also contact the students outside the classroom.

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