the parts of a building that transmit or distribute loads to the ground through a footing | | |
the area (usually framed) below the level of the ground floor | | |
the area (usually framed) between the ceiling of one level and the floor of the next level of a building | | |
a beam supported by jack studs, foundation walls, piles or piers which in turn supports joists, jack studs or subfloor framing | | |
a horizontal framing member to which is fixed flooring, decking or ceiling linings, and which is identified accordingly as a floor joist or ceiling joist | | |
a vertical framing member, usually within a wall frame | | |
a short member fixed between framing members | | |
a horizontal framing member that spans a wall opening | | |
a plate other than a wall plate placed under the bottom ends of studs | | |
timber members to which lining, cladding, flooring or decking is attached or which are depended upon for supporting the structure, or for resisting forces applied to it. Usually identified accordingly as wall framing, floor framing etc. | | |
structural components to support roof and ceiling cladding, typically prefabricated using timber and nail plates | | |
the method or materials employed to provide lateral support to a building | | |
a horizontal timber member fixed below rafters, ceiling joists or truss bottom chords to which the ceiling lining is attached | | |
the outside or exterior weather surface of a building | | |
a horizontal member laid to span across rafters or trusses and to which the roof cladding is attached | | |
a framing timber normally parallel to the pitch of a roof and providing support for sarking, purlins or roof cladding | | |
boarding or sheet material secured to rafters, trusses or purlins and which may also serve as the ceiling lining | | |
the horizontal timber to which rafters are fixed at the upper ends | | |
the area which is formed at the intersection of the lower end of two roof slopes | | |
the area which is formed between the end of a rafter and the outside line of the wall framing to which the eaves lining is attached | | |